Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First pictures

hello folks, this is what I look like on my first day of travels ;-) Note the electricity switches in the background.. and this is Mumbai... hehe The phone and tv actually work but you have to endure a small electric shock if you want to watch the news so I just don't. The pink on the wall is combined with the beds being bright baby-blue. It is a thrill :-) Went to the cinema to watch a full on three and a half hour Bollywood movie called Jodhaa Akbar. I didn't understand a word but then again who needs words when you're seriously over-acting.. It was good though, I enjoyed it, the costumes were great, the setting was breathtaking and the shots, oh well you just gotta see it!! What I really enjoyed was the cheering, clapping and ooohs and aaahs! Really, we europeans are waaaay too serious. This is much more fun!
A classic Bombay roadside view. They are actually quite nice to the dogs.
Beautiful sunset, taken from a taxi.
More to come !!
Love, Cath

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