Friday, February 22, 2008

Crazy Bombay!

Hi everyone!
Sorry about the layout but nothing much to do about that from here ...

The first picture was taken in a lovely Saree - shop in which I spent waaaay too much money ..

The next one is for the ones that read Shantaram : Leopold Cafe exists people !!! Apparently the author lives down here in South Mumbai but I haven't seen him yet .. ;-)

The shoes are mine and Rachaels.. just thought that was a lovely picture hehe

Went to a pologame, look at the buildings in the background. This is actually in the middle of Mumbai but the fact that the space is so huge makes that you cannot here traffic, that it has a lovely breeze and it's basically an oase of peace and tranquility... we enjoyed good wine, good company and lots of horses that day (and a kickass tacky fashion show as well but that's a different story)

Last picture: The alternative to McDrive ... McDelivery !!! Look at the bike as well ...


thomas said...

hey, ik denk dat mijn vorige reactie niet doorgekomen is want ik moest eerst een stuk of twintig paginas invullen... bloggen en facebooken en toestanden, ik heb de trein precies gemist... maar het is nog niet te laat! je ziet er stralend uit op die foto! dikke kus

Marjan said...

Hartverwarmend om je fantastische ervaringen hier te kunnen lezen: merci om de boel up to date te houden: time flies when you're having fun... ;o)