Friday, July 18, 2008

This is goodbye ...


I am leaving tonight on a jetplane don't know when I'll be back again but it doesnt really matter because I am taking you with me in my heart!
I am anxious to see my family again, my dog, my friends, 'my' kids, but above all, my land, mi tierra.... No place like home ...
Lover, be well in Kashmir, be careful but enjoy with all your senses and we'll see eachother when the time is right.

Goodbye India, goodbye beautiful enchanting country. I will never forget the lessons you gave me, the friendships you offered me, the patience you tought me and the love you planted in my heart, like a seed for it to grow strong. Thank you India!

Thank you all the people I have met on this trip, you all contributed to my making.
Thank you Paco for loving me the way you do. That is irreplacable. I love you too soo very much. Thank you Damian for you love and patience when I needed guiding. Thank you Wishnu for you kind heart. Thank you Ari, Carlos, Isa, Albert, Xavi, Alex y Sonia for the friendship and the lessons... Thank you Rachael for taking my hand when I was lost. Thank you Ally for being strong when I was not. Thank you Michael for your kind heart and open arms so I could cry without fear of judgment. Thanks Pete and Cris for honesty and company. Thank you Nadav for being my friend and taking care of me. Thank you Alecse and Charlotte for being the beautiful shining people that you are. Thank you Alba for you smile and your strong belief in doing good, you are a walking example to all. Thank you Mariana for your patience and forgiveness. Thank you Kfir for teaching me a lesson about myself in being the mirror that you are. Thank you Rob for coming out to see me and showing me a part of you I hadn't seen before and I'm sorry it didnt work out the way you planned it. Thank you Pieter en Inge for your patience with me, you friendship and you rocksolid belief in loving-kindness and honesty. You are forever in my heart.

Thank you to all the people back home that wait for me time and time again and are patient with me hopping all over the planet. My grandma for her unconditional love and all the practical things she does for me. Thank you Mama for you heart which is always there full of unconditional love. Thank you Dad for being who you are .. someone to lean on and a beautiful person. Thank you Papa for keeping me upto date and assured that all in life is fine, you optimism is irreplacable. Thank you Jeroen for being my friend. Thank you An for always being there even though we have no contact. Thank you Ulla for the same thing, some friendships dont need many words. Thank you Laura for sharing with me, always, and being my friend I love you so much. Thank you Katia, for being who you are, an amazing mom for your kids, a good friend and a loving person. Without you, at some point, I would have gotten lost in grief. And thank you kids, Sebastian and Nikki for awakening in me what was asleep, for you beautiful smiles and sweet cuddles that were always with me and that I could think about when I was lonely. Thank you for being such wonderful children!

So see you all soon I am off now before I miss my flight ...
Be well every one, love and light to you all!
